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At the 2024 Salone del Mobile, LINTELOO showcased new designs that invite you to touch and feel

At LINTELOO, we spend many a wonderful day—including quite a few late nights—debating the essence of ‘good design’. We could, of course, quote Dieter Rams’ rightfully famous Ten Principles of Good Design. But we won’t. Over the past 30 years we have, however, come to a conclusion on what defines ‘successful design’. And in our humble opinion, successful design stimulates the senses, not just visually but in ways that go beyond aesthetics. We simply love it, when one of our amazing designers comes up with a design that immediately makes you want to touch it, feel it.

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It could be because of an interesting silhouette. It might be because of the inviting texture of a fabric. Do your fingers want to trace the tree rings in a table top, or to harness the sense of power, exuded by silky smooth metals? Is it the connection you feel, resting your hands on surfaces last touched by the craftsmen and women who made them into something so stunning? And when we say ‘feel’, we mean that both literally and figuratively. Because successful design is not only about how it feels but also, and more importantly, about how it makes you feel, on the inside. You should feel welcomed into your own home, comforted, safe. No wonder really, that at this year’s Salone del Mobile Milano LINTELOO’s presentation of exiting new designs revolved around ‘TOUCH & FEEL’.


Click HERE to take a closer look at the settings created with our new collection at our Salone del Mobile presentation.


Click HERE to download our brochure.

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Our LINTELOO Experience Center hosts look forward to welcoming you in person in Zeist, the Netherlands, where you can see, feel and ‘test drive’ the complete LINTELOO collection. Professional staff is on hand to give you all the advice and information you need. Unable to visit our Experience Center in Zeist? Our LINTELOO dealers, all over the world, will be most happy to help you.