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by Anders Nørgaard

Anders Nørgaard took everything he learned about comfort and functionality from the great Danish designers that went before him and distilled this knowledge into ‘Kone’. A simple yet oh so striking silhouette, combined with perfect support in all the right places. Be warned, you will never want to get up again. 

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Webbed metal frame with polyurethane foam, wrapped in hypoallergenic polyester fibre, 100% cotton lining.
Seat and back cushion
Polyurethane foam core in varying densities for optimum support and comfort, wrapped in a 100% cotton duvet filled with hypoallergenic polyester fibre.
Composition of fabrics depends on the customer’s choice of upholstery. Leathers are either aniline or pigmented/ sealed.
Hand made in Italy


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Available in a chrome or anthracite (textured) finish.
Available with a high or low backrest.
Fixed, available in all fabrics and leathers from the LINTELOO collection. Customers can opt to supply their own choice of upholstery fabric/leather.
Special features
Comes with nylon gliders. Other gliders available on request.

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Anders Nørgaard

Anders Nørgaard literally learned at the feet of the masters. Growing up in Aarhus, Denmark, he was surrounded by the Danish architects and designers of the 50s and 60s, who were part of his parents’ circle of friends. As a young boy, he would spend his holidays at their workshops, absorbing knowledge and skills. This helped him in later life, as a designer, to resolve the tension between theoretical design ideas and the practicalities and limitations of manufacturing.

A graduate from the Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 1989, Nørgaard launched his own studio in 1994. From his offices in the harbour district of Aarhus, he has created award-winning chairs and sofa designs for internationally renowned brands.

Nørgaard’s approach focuses on both function and form, achieving a clean, perfectly proportioned aesthetic that is rooted in Scandinavian design traditions and Danish Modernism.

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