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dining in style with Alter & Blend

Host the ultimate dinner party with the 'Blend' dining sofa and 'Alter' table—designed by Anthony Guerrée. The 'Blend' sofa combines practicality, beauty and modular versatility, while the 'Alter' table's subtle details elevate its simplicity to artistry. Together, they make for elegant dining experiences and inspire to connect with loved ones.

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Anthony Guerrée

Anthony Guerrée was educated at the École Boulle in Paris, where—since its foundation in 1886—young talents are schooled in the fine and applied arts, and where craftmanship plays a central role. Fascinated by the interior designers of the ‘30s, Anthony joined Studio Andrée Putman, in 2010, where he was able to work with the best ‘makers’ in the world in shaping world-class interiors. In 2015, Anthony went to work for designer Christophe Delcourt, assisting him in designing his Delcourt Collection furniture, as well as contributing to Christophe’s collaborations with brands such as Minotti, Collection Particulière, and CC-Tapis.
In 2020, Anthony Guerrée ventured out on his own and developed a unique signature. His first furniture collection was inspired by Marcel Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu. Each of the sculptural chairs embodies the character of one of the protagonists. These pieces tell a story, because each of Anthony’s designs is more than simply functional. His designs are the tangible, flawless results of the dynamics between tradition and innovation.

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Edoardo sofa: celebrating 30 years of comfort and joy

20 December 2023