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by Visser & Meijwaard

In the 1400s, Angelo Barovier—Murano’s greatest glassmaker ever—developed the art of calcedonia: adding oxides to glass for a marbled effect, resembling semiprecious chalcedony. With changing fashions, this intricate technique almost got lost, until it was revived in de mid- 1800s. Together with a family of Italian artisans, Dutch design duo Visser & Meijwaard have opted for pared back, ton-sur-ton veining in their ‘Phoenix’ lamp, complementing its elegant, clean lines, reminiscent of the Art Deco period. The individual, mouth-blown elements come together like beads on a necklace: a jewel in any interior.

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Mouth-blown glass, sandblasted, with marble effect.
Colour glass
Powder-coated steel with a bronze finish.
Light source
LED strip 230V EU/UK.
Light colour
Tablelamp and floorlamp have a a touch dimmer, pendant lamp is dimmable with an external dimmer (not included).
Hand made in Italy.


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Tablelamp, floorlamp or pendant light with either vertical or horizontal suspension.

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Visser & Meijwaard

Visser & Meijwaard is the design studio of Steven Visser (1985) and Vera Meijwaard (1988) in Arnhem, The Netherlands, both of whom graduated from ArtEZ in product design.

They are ambitious, talented and have an interesting way of seeing the beauty in sometimes utterly mundane objects. An immense Berlage-esque cabinet was inspired by the unassuming lines of a simple grey plastic crate. And their strikingly beautiful Bombé screen for Linteloo harks back to none-too-interesting garden chair cushions. They are able to see aesthetics where none were intended, retrieve them, enlarge them and turn them into something quite extraordinary.

Visser & Meijwaard’s work ranges from interior to conceptual design, and from presentation to set design. Their versatility and unique outlook is quickly gaining them international acclaim.

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