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door Yabu Pushelberg

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Yabu Pushelberg

It must have been fate. When George Yabu and Glenn Pushelberg graduated from Ryerson University in Toronto, both were looking for studio space. They decided to join forces and, in 1980, Yabu Pushelberg was born. Today, the firm has evolved into a globally renowned interior architecture and design practice, earning countless accolades along the way.

From its studios in Toronto and New York, Yabu Pushelberg is probably best known for their highend residential, hospitality and retail design. A lesser known fact may be that the company not only designs interiors, but also the furniture and objects that go along with them.

Their pieces excel in an amazing attention to detail, with a tailored look that transcends any trend. As George Yabu puts it: ‘There is a certain kind of design that burns very bright, but the flame goes out fast. We like to think our designs have more longevity, and a broader range of uses.’

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