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Coffee tables / side tables


by Jan te Lintelo

‘Malibu’—designed by Jan te Linteloo—lives up to its name. This beach city, close to down-town Los Angeles, has a host of architectural highlights, which are home to numerous film stars. They are attracted by the laid-back atmosphere of sun, sea, and beaches, which gave Malibu its nickname, ‘the original Surf City’. It is precisely this combination of cool, relaxed and luxurious, that we see in this sofa: a comfortable body atop an elegant frame with subtle legs, that make the sofa look like it’s floating on air.

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Powder-coated steel (bronze)
Hand made in the Netherlands & Italy.


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Regatti-Stripe, Regatti-Point or Monaco. For an impression of LINTELOO’s marbles, see ‘Materials’ at
Special features
For optimum versatility, legs can be easily repositioned.

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Jan te Lintelo

Jan te Lintelo (1954) grew up surrounded by beautiful furniture, in his parents’ furniture shop. Hence, his love for craftsmanship and design started young. Having studied furniture manufacturing in Rotterdam, he honed his creative skills at various renowned brands. And in 1994, the time had come: Jan struck out on his own, with LINTELOO.

Apparently, he did something right because Jan’s very first design, the ‘Easy Living’ sofa, still is part of the LINTELOO collection. The name and its design perfectly embody Jan’s and LINTELOO’s philosophy: timeless, relaxed and comfortable design.

By now, Jan has handed over the helm of the day-to-day operations, to Niels Roks. This allows him to fully focus on product development, which still regularly involves him putting pencil to paper.

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