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Joeny Veldhuyzen van Zanten
In everything we make or do, there comes a point, almost inevitably, where we started taking things for granted, becoming ‘blind’ to the alternatives. We do what we do the way that we do it, because we have become used to what feels familiar. It is precisely these blind spots that Joeny Veldhuyzen van Zanten (1978) seeks out, finding solutions and other ways of approaching both form and function.
She redefines tradition, focusing on uniqueness. Originally an art historian, Joeny switched careers, moved to Florence to train as a sculptor and, in 2011, graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam with a degree in ceramics. She subsequently established herself as an independent designer.
When Linteloo saw her Cubo lamp design, we immediately felt a strong connection in our mutual approach to the values of design and craftsmanship.